Valuation Is Your Worst Enemy. 6 Ways To Defeat It

that  you probably going to have  learn how to market Valuer Sydney and promote this  thing because if no one sees it then who  cares but that’s another conversation  and that goes into search engine  optimization how to rank Google which I  will cover in other videos but circling  back for a moment to tools so the tool

  that I prefer to use for hand coding and  visual coding in split mode is Adobe  Dreamweaver I think Adobe Dreamweaver is  great because it helps you organize your  files you know set up a test server  environment if you know how to do that  kind of thing you can see the code but  you can also see what it’s creating in  real time you can get a feel for their  colors and fonts are working well and  whether you need to change them you can  you know do that with a client sitting  over your shoulder or supervisor sitting  over your shoulder and make changes in

  real time without having to upload  anything I think it’s great from that  point of view I also think that the way  that it visually works with color coding  and some of the shortcuts are just going  to be better for productivity and speed  I love the CSS editor for doing certain  things and I just think it’s faster it’s  a lot easier on my eyes than a lot of  the you know applications that hardcore  programmers like to use so you know  that’s what I prefer now that’s if  you’re doing hand coding or a little bit  of WYSIWYG if you want to straight up  WYSIWYG what you see is what you get no

  coding you can use something like Adobe  muse and you can actually visually  visually draw out what a website looks  like and the thing I like about this is  like I said pen and paper first so you  could sketch the layout of a website  just like you would if you were doing a  traditional print advertisement and then  you can create that in Adobe Muse based  on what you drew as a sketch this is  great when you’re working on an ad  agency because a lot of agency

types  crave directors and art directors a lot  of them are a bit older and old school  and they don’t want some complicated  explanation as to why you can’t do  something in code for them why can’t you  move it an inch to the left why can’t it  be perfectly centered why can’t it be  this why

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